07 September 2008

Running in Prague

So a while ago when I researched the Prague Marathon, I had thought that all the running events were over. When I saw an ad for some Tesco run, I figured it was passed (and since the date of the run was in Czech, I couldn't know for sure). Last night, I saw even more ads and even a temporary set-up with some courses marked out. So I went online, and sure enough, there are some runs for next weekend!!

There is a 5k and a 3.8k! I was debating on which one, but the 3.8 is significantly cheaper and the money goes to cancer research. I am very excited, and plan on running all week (or at least some of it). I looked at the running course more closely and it begins and ends in Old Town and goes across the Charles Bridge - I can't wait for Saturday. 


Anonymous said...

are you going to get jace out there with you?


McCains in Prague said...

not a chance

Anonymous said...

Good to hear about the run!

Anonymous said...

Good luck at your run!

Anonymous said...

Be sure to get a picture of you and the 1st place trophy!!