29 August 2008

Dublin Day One

We are currently in Dublin, got here LATE on Wednesday night - technically it was Thursday morning by the time we got out of the airport. The immigration line was easily an hour and a half. 

Other than that, things have been great! I applied for my Visa at the Czech Embassy in the morning (I know last update said this would be happening in Vienna, but red tape changed that) and then we spent the day exploring Dublin on foot. We saw some great parks and old cathedrals and the Dublin Castle, all were gorgeous! They have a lot of parks here, and they are so green you wouldn't believe it. One park had a few statues in it, including one of Oscar Wilde relaxing on a rock. 

Today we are going to a place called Malahide Castle on the coast of Ireland - I am very excited about this! 

I failed to bring my camera cord with me, so I am unable to upload any pictures at the moment, but I have already taken over a hundred and we still have two full days to go! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
Haven't been able to check your blog until recently, glad to hear everything went smoothly. Sarah, I got your voicemail when we got home from the Outer Banks. I can't get over some of your pictures, one of them I could have sworn was a professional travel poster. Enjoy Ireland, what a nice surprise. You should go the the Guinness factory, have one on me and Bobby. Talk to you soon. Aunt Jo & Bobby