12 April 2009

Easter Traditions

Remember when I told you about some of the traditions at Christmas time?? Well the Czechs also have some fun tradtions for Easter.

At the markets, they are selling loads of these intertwined branches with streamers on the end. (see picture in the last post) They are made from branches of the willow tree because it is the first tree to start blooming and growing after winter (or so I am told). Anyway, the boys buy these sticks and go around on Easter Monday whipping the girls with them. I was told by my Czech female coworker that this was for 'health and freshness' and my male Czech teacher told me it was so "the girls don't dry up." Then in return, the girls give the boys decorated eggs, or if it is an older group, the boys get shots of a plum brandy called Slivovice. And later in the day, the girls throw water on the boys. This all happens on Monday, it is typically their day off instead of Friday.

Another tradition is on Sunday to take a boiled egg, cut it up and share it with your family members "so that you may never part"

Happy Easter everyone, we love you!!

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