Things have been extremely busy here in the CZ so I haven't been able to spend time updating.
I've had a ton going on at work, and it has cumulated all in this past week.
1) I am the director of our school play (Jace's school is also doing a play, Snow White and the 7 dwarfs), which premiers on June 16th, more on that later, but for now I have been prepping, prepping, and rehearsing. We have had to focus on the play this week because
2) Good ol, school in nature is happening again next week. Remember in February when I spent a week with my kids? It should be fun, but we will lose a lot of valuable time to focus on the play. And
3) I have done arts and crafts with some of the kids every Friday afternoon, and my art club and the ceramics clubs had an art show/auction this Wednesday. We raised 100,000 Koruna (about $5,000) for charity! The charity is called Ark Chantal and decorates hospital rooms for very ill children.
Last week my dear friend Libby came into town for a visit, she was here from Thursday - Tuesday. I met her while studying abroad here 3 years ago, and it had been that long since I had seen her. We had a great time. We did some pretty great, touristy things.
Aside from the typical, Old Town and Charles Bridge trips that we do with all our visitors, we went to a Ballet at the National Theater, (we saw a modern version of Carmen, it was pretty great) and we rode paddle boats on the Vltava River. Friday evening she hung out with some friends I've made at work, and we played Bocci Ball, and we went to church on Sunday and played ultimate frisbee afterward. We all had a great time!!
From Friday night:
We were blessed with beautiful weather on Saturday:
Going to the Ballet:
Paddling the River: