15 July 2008

Welcome to our Humble Abode

I finally got pictures of our apartment... enjoy the grand tour!

Our entry-way: 

The kitchen/dining "room"



Our bathroom: 


And of course, the living room/"bedroom"


Now, based on my previous research and the price of this flat, I knew that it was going to be small. I figured that the living room and bedroom would be one and the same. I think I am glad that the bed is lofted: after all, just think of the amount of space in that room if it weren't. 

Note the daybed/mattress/couch: that is where you sleep when you come and visit. :-) 


Laura said...

Hi Sarah and Jace, The place looks great! The kitchen looks nice and the bathroom is really clean looking. It looks like plenty of space for the two of you! Michael and I are really excited for you. Michelle has expressed that she is very sad that her Godmother is moving to another country! I told her it is only for a year or two...she felt better! As always, you are in our prayers as you venture on this incredible journey! Love, Uncle Michael and Aunt Laura

McCains in Prague said...

Thanks so much, Aunt Laura - Love you guys!

Anna Joy said...

i love your apt! it's so cute and "european" :) you guys will have so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, Sorry I couldn't make it down to TX to see you before you leave. I would love to visit you in Prague, but I will definitely need a hotel room!

Talk to you, Love Joanne & Bobby

Anonymous said...

Me again, this time I not anonymous!

Love, Joanne

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'll have a problem climbing up the ladder to sleep - I just hope you and Jace fit on that skinny futon thingie - Love, Mom